What's New

File returns for 30-9-2013 on or before 30-10-2013
Dealer can check his Input Tax Credit by login to his account and then click on ITC Profile
30th June,2013 is the last date for filing Annual Return for period 2012-13
Additional "C" form facility is restricted from 1-10-2012
The contents of this website are meant for information for our clients. Any content of this website is originated by us which are not based on any other materials except VAT and CST Act and Rules; and Notifications published under that Laws. Our opinion is without prejudice which can be differ in various circumstances. For interpretation of law original sections, rules, schedules of rate of tax, notifications and circulars published by Government of Gujarat and Determinations, Judgments published by respective courts should be considered as supreme.

See Government Website "www.commercialtax.gujarat.gov.in" for latest information and amendments.

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