Table for Filing of Returns

Returns should be filed within 30 days from the end of Month or Quarter as the case may be
Catagory of Dealer Nature of Filing of Return
Dealer who is liable to pay tax exceeds Rs.60000 either in current
or previous year
Monthly Return
Dealer who is SEZ Dealer Monthly Return
Dealer who Imports or Exports Monthly Return
Dealer who is permitted to get remission Monthly Return
Any other dealer not falling in above criteria Quarterly Return
  • Every registered dealer should file returns online on Government Website "" within thirty days from the end of month or quarter
  • Annual return should be filed normally within three months from the end of the year
  • Annual return of a dealer liable to VAT Audit should be filed on or before 31st December subsequent to the year
Click here to see Table for filing of returns for the year 2009-2010
Click here to see Table for filing of returns for the year 2010-2011